The future of farming
In the Netherlands, farmers don't want to give in to nature. They must reduce their emissions, but many of them protest against them. In the cartoon I want to show they have a short term view. If they don't reduce their children will inherit a dead farm with no insects, dead trees etc. So the old farmer says 'good luck!' to the youngster, handing over the key. But the child is not so happy with it.
Below you’ll see the cartoons that have been made inspired by the sketch above.
The future of farming
We must be responsible with our planet earth, which is our home and our greatest treasure. It is necessary to look for agricultural alternatives that harm the environment less, so that our children inherit a clean planet with natural resources.
The future of farming
I like the idea of the farmers only being concerned with their income, apparently disregarding the impact on the planet’s and even on their own children’s future.
Future of farming
As a result of drought, we will leave farms that we cannot raise anything to our children.
The future of farming
When the older generations don't respect nature and abuse it by cutting the trees and farming with old methods and polluting the water, soil, and air, what remains of it for the future? The future generations have no future without the environment.
The future of farming
Intensive farming without considering the environmental situation, and with old ways may disturb nature more than before and increase the climate changes speed.
The future of farming
The concept of reduce emissions in intensive farming (and industry in general) is a thing to be consider for the development of a healthy future for the planet and for all the human beings...
The future of farming
We must take care of our mother earth. She provides us with food and she is our home. Cultivating it responsibly is everyone's task
The future of farming
Difference in clothes A dress with a special brand and another is a torn dress
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Great!!! Good idea, I choose this