What we do
The Next Movement visualizes the challenges of our time through editorial cartoons. We offer unique T-Shirts and curate exhibitions to showcase ideas and perspectives.
The Next Movement is younger sibling of the publication platform cartoonmovement.com. The Next Movement converts the cartoons into unique T-Shirts. Next to that you can upload your T-Shirt idea maybe to transform it into a professional cartoon.
Now and then we do special projects like painting street art murals or ask schools and universities to talk about our ideas at events, talkshows or even in parlement.
Whatever, the ultimate goal is to raise awareness and to tell each other about the issues we have and what to do.
Possible topics can be:
Innovative economy
- Models & Suggestions
- Basic income
- Donut economy
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Youth Participation
- Ed for 21st century
- Peace Education
- Youth Participation
Global Health
- Rethinking pandemics
- Equal access to health
- Climate crisis
- Sustainability
- Renewable energy
- Natural resources
- Human rights
- Migration
- Global-Citizenship
- E-Democracy
- Civic Space
- Surviving -> Thriving
- Mental health
- Identity Compass
- Gender
Programme packages
We love to make tailored programmes suited to the needs of your organisation, your community, young people, a particular subject or a discussion theme.
Within 48 hours we process your request and deliver your content, tailored by our best
cartoons artists and educators.
As you can see, the programmes offered vary widely and are flexible to cater to your needs. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We know that different places and organisations have different needs.
Package content
- Continuous access to cartoons on request , regarding current
affairs or specific themes of your choice. Within 48hrs of each
request new cartoons will be added to your virtual space - Continuous access to a personal online newsroom , on our global
platform with your logo, including:- Engagement with our network of cartoonists – human rights
defenders worldwide - Virtual gatherings with dialogue leaders and moderators.
Dialogues and themed conversations/masterclasses can be
organised upon your request of topic - Publishing space for your project with possibilities of
comments and voting/likes within the online community
- Engagement with our network of cartoonists – human rights
- Content-material to use The Next Movement Cartoon method for
activities, meetings, session
Suitable for
This package is of high interest to all organisations and partners who
- Want to use the Next Movement method of working with cartoons frequently, having a 48hr guarantee of receiving new and on-request cartoons concerning current affairs.
- Want to have continuous presence and/or engagement on the global platform in line with their own agenda of addressing social issues
- Want to integrate developing and exploring different perspectives and new conceptualisation into their work.
Package content
- All of the above for the full duration of your project or programme
- A Next Movement facilitator and educator is available to fully facilitate your programme online or offline
Suitable for
Popular among embassies, NGOs and businesses, for particular projects to engage youth or a particular community.
Package content
- All of the above for the full duration of your project, including a ready-to-go lesson series .
- Lesson series/interactive activities can be tailored for formal (schools, universities) and non-formal (youth organisations, museums) settings, including ready-to-go scripts for educators and youth workers, corresponding slideshows and hand-outs
- All lesson series can be fully facilitated by our educators
Suitable for
Great for museums, youth organisations, businesses who want to engage youth or schools and universities.
Used to offer additional support to educators in a time of virtual teaching
Package content
- We organise and facilitate online/offline dialogue sessions regarding developing and challenging different perspectives . We facilitate the process of conceptualisation around various social
Suitable for
Often requested alongside our programmes for bringing people together, online or offline, to allow bringing a project to the next level
Package content
- Tailored exhibitions of the world’s best cartoonists
- Online and/or offline for your project, organisation or community.
- Published on our global platform, with your own personal online newsroom with your logo.
- Full access to engage the online community with your exhibition, including options for interactive activities, comments, votes and hosted virtual gatherings and debates.
Suitable for
A great way to engage in the field of supporting human rights defenders, press freedom, civic space, the voice of youth, and more…
The social value of our programmes
Obtaining one of our programmes, besides the particular content you request, comes with added social value for your organisation.
By participating in The Next Movement Programmes, you:
- Tackle social issues by engaging people in the process of conceptualisation
- Become part of a global initiative to shape, for the first time ever, a collective narrative about the future we need with a unique network of cartoonists and young people
- Become an active contributor to enlarging civic space worldwide.
- Become a catalyst for social change, by offering a platform for all of the above and your participating audience: our commitment to all your participants is that, when their ideas have been turned into cartoons, we will (when given permission) publish them in books and broadcast them in online and offline exhibitions around the world, attracting attention from decision-makers and communities worldwide.