In the future I would like to live in the world where every person is equal. No matter what his colour is. SHOULDER TO SHOULDER
Matas K.
University / School / Youth organisation
Merkinė Vincas Krėvė gymnasium
Below you’ll see the cartoons that have been made inspired by the sketch above.
Mohsen Zarifian
Why did you choose this sketch?
Justice is about making things accessible for all by giving equal opportunities.
It’s a big dream! We should have this dream as a demand. Justice is about making appropriations towards fairness even in light of past inequality. Equality generally doesn’t consider the past.
But in the world, in which we live, things like wealth, public health, welfare, etc. have been accumulated in very unequal conditions.
Bahram Arjmandnia
Why did you choose this sketch?
Dear Matas K.
Our place of birth was not in our possession
The color of our skin and race is also a blessing that God has given to every human being
We must try to live together and with each other with a correct understanding and without discrimination
I have a similar wish
Good friend and darling
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