Cartoon exhibition

You make the difference

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lithuania has a history of over 100 years bilateral cooperation with Lithuania. Through the course of history this cooperation has allowed the protection of many Human Rights. One example is the role of the Dutch consul in Lithuania, Jan Zwartendijk, who during WWII created over 2000 visas to ensure safe passage for Lithuanian Jews to the Dutch Island Curacao, saving their lives.

It’s important to look at Role Models from the past, such as Zwartendijk but also Andrei Sakharov, who teach us about the importance of critical thinking that enables us to make the right choices, protect Human Rights, and support our European and democratic values.

Lithuanian cartoonist Rytis Daukantas and Latvian cartoonist Gatis Sluka were specially commissioned for this project to create the cartoons about Zwartendijk and Sakharov.


These cartoons show role models or movements from the past that have made a difference for human rights. Among these are Dutch Consul Jan Zwartendijk who worked in Lithuania during WWII and the Human Rights Activist Andrei Sakharov.


Cartoons showing today’s role models or influencers who are trying to make a difference for a better tomorrow.


Stay tuned! These cartoons coming up here soon, will represent the voice of Lithuanian youth about their perspectives on the future we need. During the youth programme, Cartooning The Future, youth will have several dialogues about different perspectives and shape their own perspective about how they envision the future. They will capture their ideas into sketches, which will be transformed into professional cartoons by cartoonists worldwide. This third part of the trilogy You Make The Difference completes the exhibition and asks us – and of course decision makers – how we can help shape a positive future together. Together, we define what’s next.