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I am a cartoonist took it up when Pandemic first started in 2019 had a grounding in Art at college So I love some cartoons already changed your concept for my own Idea anyway I did like the cartoon and what it meqns for the world climate change is heere already and will get worse by the year evenif everybody stops waffling and stops fossil fuelling its too late , might slow it down but the end is inevitable and cannot be stopped now IM 80 and saw this coming in 1976 and nothing was done then and nothing is getting done now 2050 and all the other dates are all too late IM glad im 80 cause I wont be here when the plnet really gets going but HEY on a lighter note Keep up with the cartoons they make my day and im glad there are like minded people who know but cant do anything but helplessly sit by and watch the human race destroy the only planet that wel eve see